Saints And Sinners (Digital Download)


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There’s sailor songs and love songs, autobiographical songs, a French song (excuse the pronunciation in advance) and for our sun loving fans an Irish, reggae, West Indian calypso type song. As usual, these songs can be enjoyed with an accompanying wee glass of Irish whiskey or perhaps some rum with coconut water. – George Millar

iTunes / Apple Music / Spotify / Deezer etc. – Download/Streaming Services
See Video – Band Without A Country

Track Listing

  1. Saints And Sinners (George Millar)
  2. Shanghaied Again (George Millar)
  3. An Irishman In Paris (George Millar)
  4. ‘Tis of My Rambles (George Millar)
  5. The Braidwater Mill (George Millar)
  6. The Green Rolling Hills Of My Home (George Millar)
  7. Sail Away You Sailor Boys (George Millar)
  8. Some of Ireland’s Lovely Sights North South East And West And Also A Love Song (George Millar)
  9. The Banshee’s Cry (George Millar)
  10. Star Of The County Down (Trad)
  11. Just A Little Kiss (George Millar)
  12. Mo Chuisle Gra Mo Chrói (George Millar)
  13. Irish Whiskey Song (George Millar)
  14. Band Without A Country (George Millar)
  15. The Irish Reggae Band (George Millar)